CCCMC issued supply chain assessment certificates to Yunnan Copper and Yunnan Tin on the site
Source:中国五矿化工进出口商会 Published:2024-03-13

In June 2023, the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) officially launched the "Mineral Supply Chain Due Diligence Assessment Program" to help companies identify gaps in due diligence performance and implement corrective actions to meet international requirements.

On March 1, 2024, Mr. Jiang Hui, the Chairman of CCCMC visited Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd. and Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd., and participated a symposium with the theme of supply chain due diligence, where he issued the mineral supply chain due diligence assessment certificates to above two companies.


Chairman Jiang Hui shared the implementation process and significance of CCCMC’s mineral supply chain due management assessment program, and expressed his appreciation for Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd. and Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd., for their active participation in this assessment program. He pointed out: “The Chinese Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains were recognized by the London Metal Exchange for standard consistency in July 2022, continuously accelerating the internationalization process and enhancing the international influence of Chinese standards. At the same time, the implementation of Chinese Guidelines also provides an important reference for mineral supply chain companies to identify due diligence gaps and strengthen their capacities in supply chain risk management."


As the first London Metal Exchange (LME) listed company to participate in CCCMC mineral supply chain due diligence assessment program, Mr. Han Jingen, Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd., said: “by participating in the assessment program, the company’s capacity in supply chain due diligence management has been effectively improved, and the direction of further improvement has been clarified. Although the company’s supply chain due diligence management still faces certain challenges, we hope that by actively participating in the joint actions at the industrial level, we can strengthen the company’s as well as its supply chain partners’ due diligence awareness and ability, and continuously improve due diligence performance.”



Symposium between CCCMC and Yunnan Copper


Ms. Yang Yimin, senior manager of Yunnan Tin Group (Holding) Co., Ltd. and Mr. Liu Lujie, Chairman of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd. introduced the company’s practical process of supply chain due diligence, and mentioned: “CCCMC is the leading party and standard setter of China's mineral supply chain due diligence. The assessment results are not only the results achieved by Yunnan Tin Co. Ltd. in supply chain due diligence, but also the best proof for the company to establish and demonstrate a responsible attitude towards downstream parties and international markets. We look forward to promoting closer cooperation among all relevant parties in the tin industry in the future, continuing to improve the company's supply chain due diligence performance, and providing enterprises with more opportunities to demonstrate the attitude of China's tin industry to the international community.”



Symposium between CCCMC and Yunnan Tin


After the symposium, Chairman Jiang Hui issued mineral supply chain due diligence assessment certificates to the Deputy General Manager of Yunnan Copper Co., Ltd. and Chairman of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd. respectively. Mr. Yang Mingyou, Responsible Business Manager of the London Metal Exchange (LME) witnessed the certificate issuance ceremony. Mr. Sun Lihui, Director of the Development Department of CCCMC attended the event. 





CCCMC issued supply chain assessment certificate to Yunnan Copper





CCCMC issued supply chain assessment certificate to Yunnan Tin


At present, nearly 60 companies that process and produce mineral products such as copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, tin, nickel, and cobalt, have applied for the CCCMC assessment program, covering operations in China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, and Indonesia. Mineral supply chain companies are welcome to participate in our mineral supply chain due diligence assessment program. For more information or application details, please contact: Ms. Zhang via